Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Still here. :-) Just busy. Today I did Yoga and am reading Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz' book  'YOU ON A DIET' so did the stretches out of the book. Very good. I've also recommitted to walking again.....slowly at first, then I hope to work up to half an hour. I am using the walking tips from the Better Homes and Gardens site.They have some great stuff on there. Before you think I'm bouncing around with my work-outs, I am still looking for the right one. Today I received my blue JUST 10 bracelet from Dr. Oz's  site. It is to remind me that I am trying to lose 10 lb's ( for me it's more weight but it does remind me) and is free.....though I don't know if they are still taking orders for them.

I am still eating pretty healthy. I made my own hot coco mix using 'raw' sugar and I do like the new whipped cream. It does have a bit of a different taste but it didn't take long to get used to it. I am completely free of the processed toast now and feel it is a step in the right direction. I am also trying to change from butter to 'Earth Balance' soy butter. I want to put my hot coco recipe on here but still have to work on it some as put in way too much cocoa this time.I also have more fruit in my diet. I used to eat more sugary snacks after lunch and now am using dried fruit.

Healthy mind  tip : I am keeping my mind sharp by reading and I hope to be writing letters this week as well....all using cognitive function.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stuffy week

Fighting sinus and allergies this week. I did manage to get Yoga in and some Hula Hooping. I am also keeping track of what I do eat. I made some significant changes in my grocery list last shopping trip. I am still trying to cut processed sugar and now most dairy products due to the sinuses.I bought 'Sugar in the Raw' and I tried a new product called truwhip that is a whipped cream substitute that I can use on coco. It is gluten free and contains less than 2% of a milk protein. I will also be making my own coco mix this week.

If anyone has gluten free or health tips.....I would love to hear from you.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Busy day

Busy day but I did get some stretching in and am trying to get the Hula Hoop down pat as is great exercise. There is one girl on You Tube that is really talented with the Hula Hoop. I will try to include that link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j46ll2_jR7k. If this link doesn't work, she is a Hula Hoop Dancer named Lisa Lottie......she is inspiring.
As for the diet, I haven't really changed much but I feel I am  more aware of my eating habits.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Newest Change

I think today my newest change is my resolution to change and this Blog. I will also keep a diet journal.....not a 'diet'.....just keeping track of what I do eat so that I can see my progress. My plan is to cut out processed sugars and change to totally raw sweeteners. Ones I hope to use are sucanat, turbinado sugar, honey (raw) and agave.

My Plan

What I hope to do with this Blog is to try to improve my over-all health each day and keep a record as I go of things that worked for me. I am also hoping that some of you would join me and contribute your own comments and tips. Maybe if we blog together it will be easier.
My goal is to lose 50 pounds and it seems like such a long road but I really have a good feeling that I can do this and I hope to do this not with a specific diet but with healthier eating and fitness changes.

Core Beliefs

My core beliefs on food and nutrition are to eat as healthy as possible. When I say 'as possible' I mean as possible by your budget and availability. There is so much out there now about organic......I agree with organic and totally see eating that way if at all possible but I know that it's not affordable for me right now. The next best thing in my opinion in to get the most nutrients as possible out of the foods you can afford. Another personal opinion I hold is that food chemicals aren't really good for us. I have proved this many times just in my eating habits.....if I make foods in my own kitchen I feel better.....if I stray and eat the junk......not as good. I look for simple ingredients and recipes of things I can try to make at home.

Time to Change My Life.

The New Year is finally here. I have never been one to make too many New Years resolutions. This year seems to be different for me though.....a mile marker of sorts maybe. I am now 39, I'm overweight, tired and want to make more of my life.I am also finding it hard to hold onto my core beliefs about food and nutrition. My new start will include a change in my 'lifestyle'.....not just diet. I am Christian so plan on more prayer and connection with God, eating healthier,more exercise,more family activity,more positive influences.

In memory of my Dad who passed away from Alzheimer's I hope to occasionally include brain healthy tips, reading and activities. The more education we have on this disease, perhaps the more we can work to fight it.